OACP Hate Bias Crime

Hate/Bias Crime
The Ontario Association of Chiefs of Police’s (OACP) Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Committee has provided Hate/Bias Crime: A Review of Policies, Practices, and Challenges as a resource document for police services across Ontario. The hope is that this document, which is the first OACP research project to examine hate/bias crime, will assist law enforcement in Ontario to counter the negative effects of hate/bias crimes in our communities.

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This is the first document of its kind to be published in Canada and the OACP Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Committee hopes that it will serve as a model for other jurisdictions in Canada. By synthesizing “what we know” from the research literature, coupled with and complemented by the knowledge, experiences, and on-the-ground strategies of Ontario police services, the OACP seeks to provide a forum for dialogue on hate/bias crime and to equip Ontario’s police leaders and their police officers to better serve all members of our communities.

The OACP invites member services, community organizations and community members throughout the province to submit information about the impact of hate motivated crimes and incidents, along with resources and services aimed at prevention and community support, to the OACP’s EDI Committee. New information will be included in future versions of this document.

Please contact the OACP Office to inquire about their equity, diversity, and inclusion initiatives.