Our Facilities


Windsor Police Headquarters
150 Goyeau Street
P.O. Box 60
Windsor, ON N9A 6J5

General Number
(519) 255-6700

General Fax Number
(519) 255-6191

Our headquarters facility also incorporate a Provincial Courthouse. A unique facility opened just prior to the new millennium, headquarters houses most Windsor Police Service's branches and divisions.

Front straight-on.jpgMajor FA Tilston Armoury & Police Training Centre
4007 Sandwich St.
Windsor, ON

General Number
(519) 971-7301

General Fax Number
(519) 971-9689

Our facility is a first of it's kind in Canada in partnership with the federal government's Department of National Defense (DND). This facility which opened in June of 2004, houses the F.A. Tilston Armoury as well as a comprehensive training facility for both the Windsor Police Service and the DND. Other agencies visit our training facility to provide their members with some of the top-notched training opportunities including a 10 position indoor and 20 position outdoor firing range, rappelling tower, and close quarters firearms training house. This facility also provides housing and an extensive training centre for the Windsor Police Service Canine Unit.

Sandwich Town.jpgSandwich Community Services
3312 Sandwich St.
Windsor, ON

General Number
(519) 255-6173

General Fax Number
(519) 973-4935

The Community Services Branch houses the Community Services Unit and includes a satellite office located at the Children's Safety Village of Windsor and Essex County. This office is also shared by Brock Public School, a branch of the Windsor Public Library and a day care facility. All agencies involved in this unique project have praised the success of this partner.

east_end.jpgCollision Reporting Centre
2696 Jefferson Blvd.
Windsor, ON

General Number
(519) 945-9645

General Fax Number
(519) 945-9640

Copies of Accident Reports
(519) 944-6261

The facility is an innovative partnership with the private sector to provide comprehensive service delivery for those involved in a motor vehicle accident. The Collision Reporting C3entre features a walk in reporting location that has been created to assist motorist who have been involved in a collision within the city limits. In January 2009, the decision was made to temporarily consolidate the resources of this facility with Headquarters. The goal of the consolidation was to reduce day to day operating cost and cost through deferring positions with the organization. The need remained for the necessity of an East End patrol building and is currently in the planning stages. This building will be located in the south eastern quadrant of the city on the amalgamated land near Windsor Airport. This will be another shared facility with our partners in Emergency Planning, Windsor Fire and Rescue and 311/211 phone service.