Police renew plea for tips on 30th anniversary of unsolved murder


Case #: 95-950215234
Police renew plea for tips on 30th anniversary of unsolved murder

Diane Dobson 1

Today marks the 30th anniversary of the brutal unsolved murder of Diane Dobson.

Ms. Dobson, a 36-year-old mother of three, was last seen walking down Prince Road around 5:45 p.m. on February 14, 1995. The next day, her battered body was found in a ditch at Windsor’s Brighton Beach. A preliminary investigation revealed that Ms. Dobson was violently murdered, with a blow to the head as the official cause of death.

The Windsor Police never stops investigating cold cases, regularly following up on leads and reevaluating evidence. As part of this process, members of the Major Crimes Unit will resubmit evidence utilizing advances in DNA analysis to assist in identifying suspects in the murder of Ms. Dobson.

Investigators are hopeful that developments in DNA technology may assist in solving this case.

“We know there are people who have information about this murder, and we are urging them to come forward, even if they have previously spoken to investigators,” said Ted Novak, Major Crimes Unit Staff Sergeant. “We hope the anniversary of this murder will help renew interest in this tragic incident and lead to a breakthrough in the case.”

Investigators urge anyone with information (including those who have previously spoken to police) to call the new Cold Case Review Unit tip line at 519-255-6700, ext. 4305. They can also contact Windsor & Essex County Crime Stoppers anonymously at 519-258-8477 (TIPS) or online at www.catchcrooks.com

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