Translation Services

Language Services Banner
Video Remote Interpreting (VRI)

VRI enables Deaf and hearing people to communicate through a video based interpreter via the Language Services website.

VRI is provided at the WPS headquarters in the Main Office, and the Detention Unit. VRI is also provided at the Collision Reporting Centre on Jefferson. VRI provides on demand interpreting services for basic reports, general inquiries or to provide a person in custody with their Charter of Rights and Freedoms. VRI is not used for any report requiring court attendance such as a sexual assault or domestic violence report. In those cases, an interpreter would be called to interpret in person.

It is important to note that the deaf person will always be provided with the option to choose their preferred method of communication.

Interpretalk BannerInterpretalk

Interpreting by Telephone (IBT) Interpretation is provided in over 200 languages at WPS headquarters in the Emergency 911 Centre, Main Office, Traffic Branch, Detention Unit, and the Professional Standards Branch. Interpretation is also provided at the Collision Reporting Centre on Jefferson.

Members of the Windsor Police Service also have the ability to use Language Services to place calls to non-English speaking citizens.

The Windsor Police Service is committed to providing inclusive police services to the citizens of Windsor.