Police Record Checks

NEW EFFECTIVE MAY 17, 2022: The Windsor Police Service will no longer be mailing hard copy record check results for applicants who apply online (unless under exceptional circumstances). Completed record checks will be available electronically by secure download through your online account. You will have 31 days to download your completed record check, which can then be printed and submitted to the requesting agency or you can email a password protected copy to the requestor. Instructions will be provided to you via email upon completion of the record check. If you apply for your record check in person or if your record check contains information pertaining to a criminal record, an original embossed hardcopy will still be mailed to your home address.

If the requesting agency has questions or concerns about the secure download process, please forward them the below “Procedure Update Letter” link so they can review our procedures. Please note that there are still circumstances that require us to mail the completed record check using Canada Post, but this will be conveyed to you through your online account if applicable.

Procedure Update Letter (to provide to requesting agency)

NEW EFFECTIVE APRIL 1, 2022: Criminal Record Checks (CRC) and Criminal Records and Judicial Matters Checks (CRJMC) for the purposes of volunteering will be offered to residents of Windsor and the Town of Amherstburg at no cost as per Bill 13, Amendments to the Police Records Check Reform Act. All volunteer applicants are required to provide a letter from the volunteer agency. Up to 5 free copies of the results will also be provided, if requested at the time of application.

  • Please note that if the application for a free volunteer CRC or CRJMC is made online, there will be $9.95 processing/authentication fee + applicable taxes by the third party provider Forrest Green / PoliceSolutions.ca
  • Volunteer applications can also be made in person at no cost at 150 Goyeau, between the hours of 8:00 am & 3:50 pm (Mon - Fri)
  • A volunteer is defined as a person who performs a service but receives no compensation for doing so (other than expenses or an honorarium). It excludes a person receiving some other form of credit, such as academic credit or fulfilling a sentence requirement

NOTE: Volunteer applicants for a Vulnerable Sector Check (VSC) are not included in this legislation and are available at the volunteer rate of $25.00.

Please contact Windsor Police Information Services at 519-255-6700 x 4129 for any questions.


There are 3 Levels of Police Record Checks:

  • Level 1: Criminal Record Check (CRC)
  • Level 2: Criminal Record and Judicial Matters Check (CRJMC)
  • Level 3: Vulnerable Sector Check (VSC)
    * You must be a current resident of Windsor and must show proof of your Windsor address to apply for a Police Vulnerable Sector Check through this police service.

If you wish to submit an application in person, please attend Windsor Police Services Headquarters at 150 Goyeau St., Windsor or WPS Amherstburg Detachment at 532 Sandwich St. South, Amherstburg, Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. If you do not wish to attend in person, you may submit your application electronically by clicking on the Record Check icon.

Record Check Fees - $55.00 for employment or college/university programs; $25.00 for volunteer or high school programs (with letter from requesting Agency); $45.00 for fingerprints; $10.00 for additional copies; and $50.00 for Expedited Service (see Expedited Service page for more details).

Please call 519-255-6700, extension 4129 if you have any questions concerning the record check process. This line is monitored during normal working hours of Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

NOTE: A record check is current as of the date it is completed. It is up to the receiving organization to determine if the record check is current enough to be accepted for the position applied for. The Windsor Police Services Board, and employees shall have no responsibility or obligation to make such a determination.

Police Record Check Application Form – as of November 1, 2018

On November 1, 2018 the way in which Police Record Checks are completed across Ontario will be changing, to ensure compliance with the Police Record Checks Reform Act (PRCRA). This legislation was passed on December 1, 2015 and will be enacted on Wednesday November 1, 2018. This legislation will ensure that there is a clear, consistent and comprehensive set of standards to govern how police record checks are conducted and disclosed in the province of Ontario.

The Act has standardized the three types of record checks that can be conducted, the information that is authorized to be released on each type of check and what they are called. The three types are:

  • Criminal Record Checks (CRC)
  • Criminal Record and Judicial Matters Check (CRJMC)
  • Vulnerable Sector Checks (VSC)

NEW FORMS – these new forms will be available at Windsor Police Headquarters and online effective November 1, 2018)

Any record checks submitted prior to November 1, 2018 will still be completed (there is no need for the applicant to submit new forms).

Youth Records

Police agencies across Ontario will no longer be permitted to disclose any youth records on record checks for non-government agencies.

This means that applicants under the age of 18 will no longer be provided with a police record check, unless they can show that that it is required for a government agency.

Only federal, provincial and municipal government agencies will receive youth records for the purposes of employment or the performance of services, with or without remuneration (per the Youth Criminal Justice Act (YCJA 119(1)(o)),

As of November 1, 2018, record checks containing youth records will be sent directly to the government agency, for which they are requested, with a copy to the youth.

Youth under 18 are permitted to request a copy of their own record through a Freedom of Information Access request – however this will not be provided to them in a record check format, and the YCJA prohibits the youth from disclosing this information to anyone else.

For the purposes of youth records only, a government agency strictly refers to agencies in which the federal, provincial or municipal government is the direct employer. It does not include agencies that receive government funding. See below examples

Government Agency (authorized to receive youth records) Non-Government Agency (will not receive youth records)
  • Federal departments, ie: Dept of defense, CBSA, Corrections Canada – refer to www.canada.ca/en/government/dept.html
  • Provincial Ministries: Education, MTO, Health, Ministry of the Attorney General, Public long term care facilities, public daycares – refer to www.ontario.ca/page/ministries
  • Municipal departments: City hall, city parks, public library
  • Schools
  • Universities
  • Hospitals
  • Private Retirement homes
  • Private daycares
  • Family & Children Services