Lost Property
Report Lost Property
The Windsor Police Service accepts reports of lost property with the hope of returning items to their rightful owners. Still, if you have lost your accessible parking permit, or government-issued piece of identification, it is important to report the lost property to the appropriate institution as soon as possible.
Similarly, if you have lost a bank card, it is important to report the missing card to your bank immediately to help deter crime.
If your property was stolen, rather than misplaced or left behind somewhere, please refer to our Online Crime Reporting section.
Accessible Parking Permit In Ontario, accessible parking permits are issued by the provincial government. Have you lost your permit?
Learn more about replacing a lost accessible parking permit on the province's ServiceOntario website.
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Government-Issued Documents
Have you lost a piece of government-issued identification, or immigration documentation? Report it to the appropriate institution as soon as possible to prevent identity theft.
Birth Certificates, Driver's Licences, Health Cards, etc.
In Ontario, most pieces of identification, such as birth certificates, driver's licences, health cards, etc., are issued by the provicinial government. Lost pieces of provincially-issued identification should be reported to ServiceOntario.
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Social Insurance Number (SIN) Cards
Lost SIN cards should be reported to Service Canada. Service Canada will only issue a new SIN if your current SIN is being used fraudulently.
Lost Property
Lost property can be reported to Windsor Police with the hope of returning lost items to their rightful owners.
Before reporting lost property to police, consider contacting friends, family members, businesses, etc. who may have been present when your property was lost, or may otherwise know the whereabouts of your lost property.