Report a Hate Crime

Report a Hate Crime or Hate-Motivated Incident 

Hate crimes and hate-motivated incidents continue to impact individuals and families in Windsor and across Canada. Should you encounter or be subject to hate, please make a report. Reporting allows police to investigate these incidents, pursue legal action, and provide crucial support to victims, fostering a more secure and inclusive community.

If you are a victim of a hate crime or hate-motivated incident:

  • Stay calm
  • Keep all relevant material and record all relevant information
  • Contact police immediately

WPS hate crime investigators want to know about hate crimes AND non-criminal hate-motivated incidents.

  • For emergencies, call 9-1-1
  • For non-emergencies, call 519-258-6111
  • For anonymous reports, call Crime Stoppers at 519-258-8477.
  • To report online, use our secure portal

plain text : Report a Hate Crime

When we receive a report of a hate incident, our specialized team immediately starts an investigation. The victim’s needs are our main focus. We work closely with victims, providing support for healing, explaining the investigative process, and finding ways to prevent more harm.

Hate Crimes vs. Hate-Motivated Incidents 

A hate crime is defined as a criminal violation motivated by hate, based on race, national or ethnic origin, language, colour, religion, sex, age, mental or physical disability, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, or any other similar factor.

  • Example: A person commits criminal mischief by spray painting a Swastika and hateful messages on the side of a building.

A hate-motivated incident may be motivated by the same factors as a hate crime, but does not reach the threshold of a criminal offence. These incidents may include name calling, racial insults, or the distribution of material containing hateful language.

  • Example: A person yells a slur at someone and tells them "go back to your country."

Frequently Asked Questions 

What is a hate crime?

  • Hate crimes are criminal offences based on race, national or ethnic origin, language, colour, religion, sex, age, mental or physical disability, sexual orientation, or any other similar factor. 
  • A hate crime can be charged using one of three laws under the Criminal Code of Canada: Advocating Genocide, Public Incitement of Hatred, and Wilful Promotion of Hatred.
  • The definition of these crimes is very narrow and often covers only a portion of what people consider is a hate crime. Very few incidents meet this legal standard.

What is a hate-motivated incident?

  • The criminal code allows for an increased sentence if another crime was motivated by hate, prejudice, or bias factors.
  • In the example of hate-motivated graffiti, graffiti is the underlying crime, but a judge could increase the sentence based on the hate-motivated factors.
  • Penalties: If convicted of a criminal offence and it is proven to be motivated by hate or bias, higher penalties may be imposed by the judge during sentencing.
  • Hate-motivated incidents are incidents rooted in hate, bias, prejudice, or discrimination that do not breach any code or charter.
  • In these situations, Police will investigate to determine if an offence has occurred and will always provide support to victims.

Additional Support and Community Resources 

Hate crimes and hate-motivated incidents can be traumatic for the victim and their family and community members. Several organizations work together to provide support and resources.

Trans Wellness Ontario

Address: 1435 Tecumseh Rd E, Windsor, ON N8W 1C2
Phone Number: 226-674-4745

BLAC - Black Legal Action Centre

Address: 720 Spadina Avenue Suite 221, Toronto, Ontario, M5S 2T9
Phone: 416-597-5831

Teen Health- weCHC [Windsor Essex Community Health Centre]

Address: 1361 Ouellette Avenue, Unit 101, Windsor, ON N8X 1J6
Phone: 519-253-8481
Services: Free, confidential services to youth ages 12 to 24 including counselling, youth addictions counselling, mental health care for Black youth, eating disorder support, primary care, etc.

Windsor Legal Aid Office [Branch of Legal Aid Ontario]

Address: 185 City Hall Square South, Windsor, Ontario N9A 6W5
Phone: 519- 255-7822
Services: provides legal aid to individuals needing financial assistance


Southwest Ontario Aboriginal Health Access Centre

Address: 1405 Tecumseh Rd W, Windsor, ON N9B 1T7
Phone: 519-916-1755
Services: holistic health and wellness services for Indigenous people including: traditional healing, primary health care, dental care, mental health and addiction services, childcare, etc.


Windsor Islamic Association (WIA)

Phone number: (519)966-2355
Address: 1320 Northwood Street, Windsor ON, N9E 1A4
Services: from website: "We offer 5 daily prayers, Friday prayers, social assistance, educational programs and more," while they don't explicitly state it, to my knowledge they also offer support in cases of victimization either directly or by connecting you with the appropriate services and supports. Main demographic - Muslims
Website Information: 


UWindsor Sexual Misconduct Response & Prevention Office (Dr. Dusty Johnstone)

Phone number: (519)253-3000 ext 4550
Address: Room 1121 of the Ron W. Ianni Faculty of Law Building
Services: The Sexual Misconduct Response and Prevention Office exists to provide support, information, referrals, resources, and guidance to any member of the campus community who has experienced sexual violence or been the target of sexual misconduct. Main demographic - UWindsor students/faculty/staff
Email address: 


The Black Council of Windsor-Essex

Phone number:(519) 981-5925
Services: from website: “"The Black Council of Windsor-Essex (TBCWE) is a collective of Black community organizations and individuals united in working synergistically to fight for Black liberation by dismantling systemic anti-Black racism through activism and advocacy to create an equitable community as the local Windsor-Essex authority in Black empowerment for generations to come."”


Windsor Youth Hub

Phone number: 519-800-8640
Address: 215 Eugenie St. W | Unit #106, Windsor, ON N8X 2X7
Email address:


weCHC - Teen Health --> SAPACCY

Phone number: 519-253-8481
Address: 1361 Ouellette Avenue, Unit 101, Windsor, ON, N8X 1J6


Windsor Youth Centre

Phone number: (226) 674-0006
Address: 1247 Wyandotte St E, Windsor, ON N9A 3K6
Email address:


Windsor Pride Community & Education Resource Centre

Phone number: 519-973-4656
Address: 1106 Ouellette Ave, Unit 102Windsor Ontario N9A 4K1 Canada

Victim Services of Windsor-Essex County

Phone number: 519-723-2711
Services: Provides victims with support, information and community referrals at no cost. Assists with safety planning and processes applications for the Victim Quick Response Program +.

Victim/Witness Assistance Program

Phone number: 519-253-2897
Services: Provides information, assistance and support to victims and witnesses of crime to increase their understanding of, and participation in the criminal court process.

Family Services Windsor-Essex

Phone number: 519-966-5010
Services: Provides professional counselling programs that advocate and emphasis growth, development and the achievement of overall well-being and resilience.

Windsor-Essex Community Health

Phone number: 519-258-6002
Services: Provides general counselling to eligible individuals ages five and up.


Legal Assistance of Windsor

Phone number: 519-256-7831
Service: An interdisciplinary clinic combining legal and social work professions to meet the multi-faceted needs of the low income community in Windsor and Essex County.


Multi-Cultural Council of Windsor-Essex

Phone number: 519-255-1127
Service: Non-profit umbrella organization committed to assisting newcomers to Windsor-Essex.


New Canadians Centre of Excellence Inc.

Phone number: 519-258-4076
Service: A community-based, direct service agency which exists to assist, support and promote the full and equitable participation of immigrants and refugees in all aspects of social, cultural and economic life in the Windsor-Essex Region.

YMCA Newcomer and Community Services Windsor

Phone number: 519-258-9622


Can-Am Indian Friendship Centre

Phone number: 519-253-3243


Windsor Jewish Federation and Community Centre

Phone number: 519-973-1772
Email address: 
Services: The Windsor Jewish Federation & Community Centre serves as a busy hub of activity, enriching life for the Jewish and greater Windsor communities, based on Jewish values.